Book Title:
A Poetry Play
Author: Ronan Murray
ISBN: 978-0-9556985-2-1
Audio Book (CD & Booklet)
Audio Book on CD
Narrated CD by Author
Running Time: 18 minutes
32 page Booklet
Price: £10.99
The Banshee Publishing Company
Released 2009
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PRICE: £10.99
ISBN: 978-0-9556985-2-1
This poetry play in narrative prose and poetry verse is written and performed by Ronan Murray and comes as an Audio Book on CD with an accompanying illustrated booklet in one complete package. Journey into the world of Ireland's ancient past in this tale based on magic, myth and legend. The Celt & The Crone is a story about a mysterious encounter with the Goddess Brighid in Ireland's ancient past when an arrogant Celtic Warrior wounded in battle finds his way to her cottage in the woods.
Ronan Murray is the book designer and small publisher for Murray & McCarthy Publishing and Design and is the author of 5 self-published books of poetry. He is also the author of the extraordinary book "Secrets of Drombeg - The Stone Circle and Fulacht Fiadh" published in 2 editions released in 2013 and 2014 and is currently working on publishing the 3rd Edition - release date pending.
His scope of writing is varied in both subject and style ranging from lyrical poems and prose to longer dramatic story poems and turning them into recorded audio performances and has also included in his publishing of books for self-published authors the multi-media options of producing E-Books and Audio Book recordings for release on CD, MP3 Downloads, or audio book format.
Much of Ronan's poetry and writings are concerned with the environment, philosophy and spirituality, and the pursuit of artistic dreams in poetry, art and music. Ronan Murray orginally from Oregon in the US has settled for the past 20 years in West Cork, and has made his home in Ireland to his ancestral link of his grandfather McCarthy born in Limerick.